Saturday, February 29, 2020

ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS - Essay Example Looking at the economic growth and development of Asia Pacific, clearly, such developments were due to state policy recommendations (Kraemer, Gurbaxani and King, 1992). For instance, in China and South Korea it emerges that the competitiveness of the economies was sharpened by an active role played by the state in both cases. In the realization of economic development in Asia Pacific region, the state is active in pursuing trade and industrial policies, fostering of human resource development, and in managing the financial sector. As such, the transition of most economies in this region from import-substituting to export-led growth strategies was a strategy to move from interventionist economy to market free economy. The countries affected included Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, and China. Although this was a measure put in place, no doubt the state intervention continued to arbitrate in the pursuit of trade and industrial policies especially in the period of 1960s through 1970s. The refore, the involvement has continued to manifest through the protection of import-competing sectors in the Asia Pacific region. The region in the 1980s had higher real tariff rates for imports in order to spur their growth rate and protect their industries. The real tariff rates in China and Taiwan, for instance, was 7.60 in 1983 as compared to that of US, which was at 3.24 while Singapore was at 1.83. This was an indication that Taiwan among other countries of Asia Pacific region was ready to protect their locally produced goods. During the transition period to export growth in the region, the states supported numerous mechanisms, which included the creation of uniform and almost equilibrium exchange rates. These exchange rates would then replace the multiple rate structures that were in operation at the time. The support of the state was evident during the time they waited for share of permissible imports to increase then they

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Economics of Race and Gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Economics of Race and Gender - Essay Example In the movies, Freedom Writers, Crash and The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter, this is apparent. In all three films discrimination based on race, and gender is a social condition. It is even bordering on the realm of norms and public policy. All these films show that discrimination based on race and gender to be a product of social institutions and social interactions. The failure of social integration, the absence of acceptance and the disdain against specific sectors of society results to this. Â  Discrimination based on race and gender may be alleviated by a paradigm shift in terms of mindset. The whole system of discrimination is built on mere distorted ideas, and perceptions made manifest. If this can be corrected via education, reorientation and cultural understanding it would cease. These false distinctions can be proven to be inconsequential and irrelevant social constructions. Â  Social and cultural diversity is common in modern society. However, the underlying negative aspect of diversity is marginalization. Often this is because of discrimination and the failure to integrate into mainstream society. Â  Social integration is the process of creating unity, inclusion, and participation at all levels of society within the diversity of personal attributes so that every person is free to be the person she wants to be. Personal attributes include socio-economic class, age, gender - sexual preference and expression, political ideas, ethnicity and cultural traits, religion, citizenship (national origin) and geographical region of origin and so on (Cruz-Saco 2). Â  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Academic Honesty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Academic Honesty - Essay Example Dishonesty among students can be suppressed to ease implementation of academic policy program me. It is the mandate of one who receives a scholarship to out-source information and seek for guidance in all his undertakings. It is through this that he will get adequate knowledge on the ongoing programmed policies. Honesty adherence reflects one’s commitment to willingly and readily work under any management. Ignorance of the outlaid policies is not in any way a defense mechanism to evade punishment. Lecturers expect students to produce their own assignments and highly avoid duplication of their colleagues’ work (Kirkland, 2009). A well formulated honesty policy depicts a fine image of the institution to the external human race. The school managerial team would come up with several guidelines to emerge to an academic honesty policy statement. It should be strictly adhered to and its violation be considered un- invulnerable. The motive behind the formulation of an academic honesty policy would vastly be to eliminate the negative students’ behaviors in which failure to instantly deal with them lead to adverse results. This eventually portrays a dull picture of the institution to the outsiders. The criteria used in its formulation has to side with both the institution as well as the students. (That is, it favors all the parties assisting in its formulation). This is through ensuring that the organization of an Academic Honesty Committee involves both the students’ council and the institute’s legitimate decipherable team. The standards of this honesty policy should not limit the students to receiving of the assistance they seek. It should subject students to discipline as soon as they violate the set standards. In it, lecturers outline procedures, which the students follow and avoid being dishonest (Choong & Brown, 2007). There are also the measures to be taken and applied as one must face the consequences of his mistake. However, students should anticipate for a better follow up of the policy and ensure they operate within its basics as they look forward to both positive and negative reinforcement. Instructors assertively apply disciplinary measures on the policy breakers and hence help to bring down resistance to the policy. It is worth noting that, the st udents are ready and satisfied when a certain set sequence of dealing with policy violators is administered on them (Choong & Brown, 2007). This is due to the reason that the students’ council is involved in the giving out of ideas in the formulation of this policy. This then makes them not to resist to any action their instructors administer on them. Punishment should be applied to the violators and is done best by reporting to the body chosen to give authorization to the policy. The committee looks forward to a positive adherence of students presumed to be alluding to the so-called policy. The disciplinary measures to be applied must be made known to them and it is the obligation of the council to substantiate the norms required of students. They edify them through various ways such as prevention, confrontation and lastly by reporting. In prevention, there is prior knowledge of the honesty policy, which the lecturers partially give to the students during their admissions to the various campuses. Such information gives the scholar a hint on the institution’s programs (Kirkland, 2009). The three are also ways of evading academic dishonesty. Academic wise, the instructors set assignments, which first oblige an open discussion and later assign them some exceptional responsibilities to partake. When student get involved in